real estate

Important things to check before you BUY A PROPERTY

Important things to check before you BUY A PROPERTY Buying a property is a big decision, and ensuring that the ownership is clear and legitimate is crucial. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you verify property ownership before buying a RESALE property. 1. Registered Sale/Purchase AgreementsIt is important to ensure that the Seller has registered Agreements in place. If the Seller is not the 1st...

Why Redevelopment is Booming in Mumbai: A Rising Trend in Real Estate

Why Redevelopment is Booming in Mumbai: A Rising Trend in Real Estate Mumbai, the city of dreams, is witnessing a surge in redevelopment projects. With limited land availability, aging infrastructure, and growing population demands, redevelopment has become the need of the hour. Here's why redevelopment is booming in Mumbai and reshaping the city's real estate landscape: 1. Limited Land...

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