real estate tips

Is It a Good Idea to Buy a Home Near the Refuge Area?

Is It a Good Idea to Buy a Home Near the Refuge Area? When considering purchasing a home in a high-rise apartment building, various factors come into play. One often overlooked yet crucial aspect is the location of the refuge area within the building. As per the National Building Code of India, a builder should mandatorily provide a refuge area in a high-rise building at every 7th floor or after 24...

6 Ways To Get The Best Price For Your HOME

Research the Market – Start by researching the real estate market in your area. Talk to friends, local real estate agents, and check housing portal advertisements to understand recent sale prices of comparable properties.

Documents to check when you buy a resale property

Are you considering buying a resale property? Ensuring a smooth and legal transaction involves thorough due diligence of the documents. Here's a comprehensive guide to the crucial documents you should examine before making this significant investment:

Are your property documents lost?

We can understand how stressful this can be for the property owner. Below are the steps you need to follow in order to get a duplicate copy issued by the Authorities.

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